WEBINAR: Catholic Scouting is Youth Ministry

Online Event

Explore the relationship between scouting and youth ministry in the Catholic Church. Our expert speakers will share insights and testimonies on how scouting can be a powerful tool for evangelization, faith formation, and leadership development among young people. Whether you are a scout leader, a youth minister, or simply interested in learning more, this webinar […]

WEBINAR: Navigating TikTok with Teens: How Ministers can Support Parents

A webinar co-hosted by NFCYM and Axis Ministries, aimed at helping ministers support parents in navigating the world of TikTok with their teenage children. With the increasing prevalence of social media in the lives of young people, it is essential for parents to understand and guide their children through possibilities and pitfalls. In this webinar, […]

Webinar en Español: El porque tener un director o una directora espiritual en la pastoral juvenil. 

Que es la direccion espiritual? Cuales son los diferentes tipos de direccion espiritual?  Que se espera de un director o una directora espiritual? Que se espera de mi? Cuanto cuesta? Cualquier sacerdote podria ser mi director espiritual? Cuales son los beneficios y los retos de tener un director o directora espiritual en la pastoral juvenil?  Registrar […]

Yazmín Maní Malone

Pastoral Juvenil Hispana Coordinator,
Diocese of Austin

Diocesan Member

"NFCYM has accompanied me in reaching out to like minded professionals to better provide service (ministry) to adolescents. NFCYM has allowed me to network and grow professionally.

'Youth as Protagonists' has been essential to Pastoral Juvenil Hispana in the Diocese of Austin."

Eva P. Delgado

Youth Minister, St. Christopher Church

Associate Member

"The various resources have helped me keep our program exciting and vibrant. NFCYM has provided me with shared information via webinars, workshops, conferences, outreach, and opportunities that are very informative to help make my ministry successful.

NFCYM is an open forum for me to seek material, guidance and support in keeping the youth ministry program successful."