Q&A with Sherine Green

Q&A with Sherine Green

Membership Type: Associate Member

Organization and Position: Director of Youth Faith Formation at Christ Our Light Parish in New Jersey

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a wife and mother of two boys; I serves as Director of Youth Faith Formation and an Adjunct Professor of Theology at St. Joseph’s College of Maine and Villanova. I previously co-authored the Paulist Press Publication: Awakening to the Violence of Systemic Racism which is used in parishes and schools.

In previous years, I worked in Camden where I developed retreats for high schools, colleges, and parish groups from around the country. Post college, I immigrated from Jamaica to serve as a Mercy Volunteer with the Sisters of Mercy in Brooklyn.

I have a passion for people and immersion; I’ve spent time in Northern Ireland doing service learning and now passionately invite parishioners to such experiences. 

How has being a member of NFCYM helped you and your ministry to young people?

I have been a proud member sharing weekly prayer resources, reflections, and happenings in the Catholic Church with my parish using NFCYM’s on point content. Social media posts are a quick way to share with the young church as well as leadership the happenings which are always topical and culturally relevant.

What is your relationship with NFCYM?

I worked over a year as a consultant to the new pilot program – Imago Dei which included inviting a diverse group of leaders from around the country to speak, learn and build with each other ministerially. We also were able to source current programmatic content, especially for leaders who work in a diverse setting.

What does accompaniment mean to you?  

Accompaniment is a spirituality, a sacred intentional walk that guides another on the life path to noticing God in the midst. Accompaniment is mutual – I like to think of Jesus walking in our midst through the daily lived experiences with others.  

Accompaniment is a bridge – a space of journeying into a spiritual unknown.  

Accompaniment is collaborative social; a well-needed part of the faith walk journey.  

How has NFCYM accompanied you?

I appreciated the opportunities for growth and networking in my recent work with NFCYM. Importantly, the mentorship led to collegial collaborations.  

I learned a ton from Darius Villalobos and felt very supported by the entire staff including Leslie, and Natalie.  

It has been a wonderful initiative to meet and connect with people who sincerely and tenaciously work to build up the kingdom of God in spaces beyond my context, my parish setting. I have a greater depth and a renewed ministry focus through the opportunity to sit at the table and learn from expert ministry leaders.  

I am now able to see the many ways youth ministers are using their expertise, experience, and expression to profess the gospel message whether on the reservation, Southern California, East Coast, or South. 

Why ministry? Why do you do what you do?

This is a question that I constantly ask. I have the unique opportunity in this life to offer a lens from my experience of God; to share by bringing others to question and by doing so together encounter the bountiful mystery of faith.  

Ministry affords me the chance to find meaningful ways to pour into the lives of others, for instance through service trips or catechetical and faith formation opportunities.  

Ministry is a lifestyle where I am learning to live daily beyond the borders of the church. As I am pouring into the lives of others, I am also being enriched.  

All Belong to All. 

I have a great love for those whom I spend time with daily: students, parents, and ministry peers as well as those beyond our boundaries, lenses, and contexts. Ministry allows us all to meditate on the perspective of solidarity as well as reminds us of the outstretched arms of Jesus: the challenge to love and serve.  

If you could share one thing with other ministers, parents, families, and clergy, that you have learned throughout your experience ministering what would it be? It could be a moment, antidote, or words of wisdom:

We are all given one opportunity in this life to live Jesus in the world.

A world desperately searching for the latest trend yet the lesson from the greatest teacher is to love unconditionally beyond borders beyond context- beyond zip codes. This should be what we all strive to become even in our frailty to love. Living Jesus becomes an exercise routine of searching … stretching…

NFCYM members can ask me about…

Peace and Reconciliation  

Racial Justice  

Catholic Social Teaching  

Mission Immersion  

Faith Reason Culture 

Youth Ministry  

Relational Ministry  

Faith Formation  


Simple Living 

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Yazmín Maní Malone

Pastoral Juvenil Hispana Coordinator,
Diocese of Austin

Diocesan Member

"NFCYM has accompanied me in reaching out to like minded professionals to better provide service (ministry) to adolescents. NFCYM has allowed me to network and grow professionally.

'Youth as Protagonists' has been essential to Pastoral Juvenil Hispana in the Diocese of Austin."

Eva P. Delgado

Youth Minister, St. Christopher Church

Associate Member

"The various resources have helped me keep our program exciting and vibrant. NFCYM has provided me with shared information via webinars, workshops, conferences, outreach, and opportunities that are very informative to help make my ministry successful.

NFCYM is an open forum for me to seek material, guidance and support in keeping the youth ministry program successful."